Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The VARSITY BRAWLERS, winner of the first 2010 bout

It's Open Season for the L.A. Derby Dolls!

The clash of steel upon steel, rollerskates firing sparks, knee and elbow pads flying... sounds like the 2010 season for the L.A. Derby Dolls has begun! Liquid Bombshell was proud to be a vendor at the first bout of the season on January 23rd.

The Sirens took on the Varsity Brawlers at the Doll Factory in L.A., and you can check out some tasty photos from the event at the Derby Dolls Flickr page.
Hoots and cheers exploded from the Tecate-sodden crowd as the Brawlers ousted the Sirens 129 to 100.

Despite the low temperatures, spirits were high as the crowds enjoyed vegan tamales, gourmet cookies, live rock n' roll, and of course, more beer. Gracias to all those who visited our booth, y ¡Super Gracias! to those who bought something shiny or silky to take home! Several happy customers are now strolling about with custom rockabilly hair flowers. You'll know them by the big smiles on their faces.

Oooh, pretty things! Check out our jewelry by Charcoal Designs

We were proud to Fly the Flag for Femme Fatale Fashion at this most glorious and exciting event. Kudos to the L.A. Derby Dolls, and when we tell you to break a leg... or an arm... be sure not to take it too literally!

Long may it wave!

1 comment:

  1. Cool, thanks for taking some of my designs to the show. I haven't had a booth there in a long time but always have fun when I do!! :]
